Golf Driving Tips

This article will give you a few good golf driving tips to increase your long drive. Improving your long drive is an important part of becoming a good golfer. Watching the pros do it on TV or in a tournament can stir just a little bit of jealously in the rest of us. Just how do they do it? How do they make if look so effortless? The first thing that you should take into consideration is your stance. The stance is very important in increasing the power of your drive. Give yourself a wider stance for added balance. Increase the distance of your stance from the ball and spread your feet wider. This will allow you to have the power that is necessary for a long drive. The best club to drive with is a wood or a driving iron because they are longer.The next thing that is very important in your driving game is perfecting the driving motion. You must be able to manage the balance of your weight and to swing with a smooth, easy, rhythm. This can only be accomplished with plenty of practice.Keep your swings short and wide. This will enable you to have control and power over your drive. Control and power together is essential for a good drive. If either of these components are missing, then your drive is pointless. The power should build up with the swing and be released at the point of impact with the ball.Your posture is important in your swing. Maintain a straight spine with your chin up and head straight. When you reach the top of your backswing, pivot your shoulders a full 90 degrees. At this time, your back should be facing the target. Now begin the downswing, being careful not to rush it and miss the ball altogether. Keep your left arm straight and use one smooth motion in your swing. Visualize yourself hitting through the ball and not just hitting the ball. Develop confidence in your abilities and believe in your shots. Positive thinking can do a lot on the golf course. Know that you can make the shot and visualize the ball going exactly where you want it to go. Golf is not only a game of skill, it is a game of confidence. The very most important part of improving your golf drive is to practice. Hit the driving range as often as you can. Develop your technique. If you find that you are having trouble, consider taking golf lessons from a professional. An objective eye can determine what you are doing wrong and work with you to correct it. Golf is a fun game but it is also very challenging. Study it and apply what you learn. Before long you will be golfing like a pro!

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