How to Swing a golf club

This article will give you some great information on how to swing a golf club. The golf swing is one of the most important components of your golf game and probably the one aspect everyone has advice on. Perfecting a good golf swing has been the goal for a lot of golfers over the years. If this is your goal also, read on. When you swing a golf club you want the ball to go as far as possible, but you want to be accurate too. You cannot attain this by just swinging a club as hard as you can. You need to learn the basics of a smooth swing to have your ball travel farther and more accurately. The following tips will give you the basics that you need to develop a smooth and accurate golf swing.- First things first. Relax. Take some deep breaths and release the tension from your body. When you have a relaxed body your club will swing more smoothly.- Next, work on your stance. Plant your feet about a shoulder width apart with your toes pointing outward just slightly. Try to maintain a proper balance and distribute your weight equally on both feet.- Allow your arms to hang naturally down at your sides as you place the club behind the ball. If you are hunched over too much then you are too close to the ball. Back away from it a little.- Now visualize a smooth swing and making contact with the ball. Try for accuracy at first, and the power will come later.- Distribute most of your body weight to your back leg and bend your knees slightly. Keep your back straight and your head very still.- Never take your eye off the ball during your swing.- Ignore the tendency to have a death grip on your club. Pretend that you are holding a delicate bird or an egg. You want to grip it enough so that you don't drop it, but you don't want to crush it either. Remember to stay relaxed.- Turn your shoulders slightly in your backswing. Try to keep your backswing slow. You can accelerate through the upswing. Make sure you complete your follow through.- Aim to hit the ball with the center of your golf club for better accuracy.These are just a few basic tips to improve your golf swing. Do some research online for more. Watch the pros and take notes of how they address the golf ball. Read golfing magazines for more tips. Then the most important part is to practice, practice, practice. Once you learn how to swing a golf club, your golf game will improve dramatically!

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